As an HR Team, knowing how employees are progressing through your on-boarding process or team learning documents is important. This can help you understand where each employee is at in their learning, and can help you to identify learning opportunities for your team. With this Trello template, we have set up a workflow to track an on-boarding process for a new hire with benchmarks of 30, 60 and 90’s days for check-ins. Partnered with this template, is a Blue Cat Reports On-Boarding Dashboard that will give you insight in to where each employee stands as they move through your on-boarding process.
Get the template here.
We recommend that each newly hired employee has their own Board to track this progress.
We have set up this Board using a separate List for each benchmark timeline in an employees on-boarding process. These Lists can be modified to reflect your specific process, but our On-Boarding Dashboard is built using this set up. Here, as employees complete each task in the List they move the Card to a Done List once it is fully completed.
Here is a brief outline of each List:
All Custom Fields for this template as set up as dropdown fields.
For this template we have only assigned one Label to be used. We have assigned a Label for “I have questions” which an employee can add to any card they would consider a blocker, or that they need follow up on.
Once you have all of your Custom Fields, Lists, Automations and Labels set up, using the Board will be simple for your employees. Essentially the employees move through the assigned objectives or tasks and move the Cards to Doing when they start them and then to the Done List once completed. You can add new tasks at any point. They do not all have to be on the Board when the employee begins to work on it.
Once an employee begins to work on a task, they simply move the Card to the Doing List to indicate that they are working on it. Once it is completed, they move the Card to the Done List. They can have mutltiple tasks on the go at once.
To break a task or objective down in to smaller pieces, you could add a checklist to the Card so the employee can go through each piece and mark it off as they complete it. This way a Card can be in progress, but you will be able to see what is left to complete via the On-Boarding Dashboard.
This dashboard is set up to highlight and showcase your employees progress through their on-boarding. Using Blue Cat Reports, we can create and view these reports in real-time, view the Cards (or tasks/objectives in this case) and share them with colleagues and team members using the email sharing function.
You will need to create one of these dashboards for each employee you are following.
Learning Progress - This will show you how many tasks the employee is completing each day over a specified time period.
Tasks to Complete - This chart will show you how many tasks there are in each List on the board. This can be helpful to see what workload is to be expected at each benchmark time frame.
Tasks by Priority - This chart will show you how many tasks there are assigned to the employee broken down by priority level.
Blocked Tasks - This will show you how many tasks the employee has used the “I have questions” Label on. This will be important so that you can quickly see what you need to follow up with your employee on.
List of Cards for 1st Week/30/60/90 Days - These Lists will show you details on each card contained within each of the benchmark time frame Lists. This can be helpful to see at-a-glace details about what your employee is working on from each period.
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