Time on Board


Full Time on Board

This chart will show you how long it takes for a Card to move through your Lists from initial creation to the final completed List. We are assuming all your Cards move through the Board in a left-to-right manner as they progress through.

To get started, create a Time to Complete chart for completed Cards.

  • When selecting your 1st in Progress List, you will select the very first List on your Board.
  • Your "Done" List will be the List that your completed Cards are moved in to.

Active Time on Board

This chart will show you how long it takes for your Cards to reach completion from the time they are first actioned. The difference between this chart and "Full Time on Board" lies in the way teams work with their cards. Many teams work in a "To Do", "Doing", "Done" manner, where cards are created in a "To Do" List but the cards don't actually start getting worked on until they are moved in to the "Doing" List. In this way it, the active working time will only be started once the Card moves in to the "Doing" List.

To get started, create a Time to Complete chart for completed Cards.

  • When selecting your 1st in Progress List, you will select the List where your Cards go once you actually begin work on them - or your "Doing" List.
  • Your "Done" List will be the List that your completed Cards are moved in to.

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